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December 18, 2020
Statement From Dominion Dominion CEO John Poulos Appears Before Georgia State Election Board to Discuss 2020 Voting System Rollout, Disinformation
"Dominion is proud to be the State of Georgia's partner in the successful rollout of the new statewide voting system for the 2020 cycle,” said CEO John Poulos. “We are grateful to the Georgia Secretary of State's office and county election officials, who not only helped to maintain the resiliency of the election process during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also persevered in the wake of a widespread disinformation campaign aimed at sowing doubt and confusion in the outcome of the presidential election. The historic statewide hand count of every paper ballot produced by Georgia voters validated the security and accuracy of Dominion systems and added to a substantial body of evidence confirming the falsity of the lies being told about our company. We appreciate the opportunity to highlight the new system rollout in 2020 and share the facts about Dominion, and we look forward to continuing to serve the Peach State."